Story of the Planeteers

Avatar of Richard

Hi, I am Richard, I am a recycling master. I eat plastics for my meal and recycle them to new usable plastics. Keeping the world safe from hazards of plastics. If you see any plastics thats not been cleared up, give me a buzz, and I will eat those plastics in no minutes.

Avatar of Stephanie

Hi there, I am Stephanie, Recycling any kind of metals is my hobby . I can fly with the speed of lightning. I fly with all those metals all over the world and bring them my workshop. recycle them them to more usable products. Saving the world is my passion.

Avatar of Greg

Hi. I am Greg, They call me the monster of oil. I have the power of invisibility. I make all the used oil invisible in no time and refine them back to usable oil. preventing the earth from old oil is my mission.

Avatar of Damian

Hi there, This is Damian, I am the man with paper, thats what the call me. I recycle any kind of papers. This means you do not need to cut more trees to make paper. 'Save trees, Save Earth' is my moto

The Planeteer logo of the Earth globe showing recycle logo in centre, surrounded by a boy and girl Superhero.

Together as a team, there is nothing we can not recycle. We believe recycling is on the best ways to save this world. if you have any queries about recycling or get a job done, please give us a shout, with the super powers that we have we can get it done in split seconds.

The Planeteers
Avatar of Shahid

Hello everyone, my name is Shahid. everyone calls me the sleepy guy. When I sleep, I work more. I can travel in my sleep and collect all those used batteries and make them to new one. Sleeping is healthy.


Let's Do It Together

Let's Bin It

This game was created with the intention of making everyone aware of recycling items keeping in mind that you have fun while you learn. Many of us still do not know which bin to use to throw their trash. The game will give you an idea recycling items and use bins properly

Why Are We Doing It

Celebrating earth day once a year is not going to save the earth, We have to do it every day and every minute and in every sphere of our life. Small and little changes in our life can change the world dramatically and save the earth.