Giving clothes a new beginning

About Us

Re Tie Dye was launched in early 2021, to provide one off unique pieces while creating a minimal effect on our planet.

Why are we doing this?

The impact of the fashion industry on our environment can no longer be ignored. As an overall industry it's now seen as one of the top global polluters. As demand for throw away fashion has grown, the damage to our planet has increased. It's estimated that 95% of the clothes we throw away could have been reused. So why can't we do things diffirently? We aim to supply the demand for fresh, new looks with existing unloved garmets.

Litter Forest

Why natural dyes?

Dying clothing has always been an unpleasant process. As the fashion industry has grown, the demand for brighter colours, rapid dying processes and larger quantities has produced the techniques our fashion industry uses today. We achieved the aesthetic results, but at what cost ? Dangerous toxins can be released by the chemicals used and the disposal of these chemicals is expensive and challenging. In addition, if improperly disposed of, these chemicals can have catastrophic results to the enviroment. So why use chemicals when there is an alternative? Humans have been dying clothing for thousands of years with natural dyes from a variety of different vegetables, fruits, plants and spices. We can achieve the same result as industrial dyes with less effect on the environment, it just requires a bit more effort in the dying process!

Images of Spices in Market

Why give back?

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than the ones you did do".

Mark Twain

Each year we will donate 5% of our annual profit to charity, as a contribution towards making the world a better place. This year's charity will be Great Green Wall, an incredible movement that aims to grow 8000km new world wonder across the continent of Africa.
